A student may wish to borrow additional funds to help finance his or her cost of education. 财政援助办公室建议学生在申请私人贷款之前,先使用他们有资格获得的最高联邦贷款. 在决定贷款产品之前,家庭应该讨论私人贷款与PLUS贷款的优缺点. Families should also consider using the college payment plan before applying for a private loan.


  • 贷款是在学生的名下.
  • 为了借贷资金,信用检查需要得到批准.
  • 还款通常推迟到毕业后, 在学生入学期间,贷款会产生利息.
  • 大多数贷款都需要一个担保人. 所收取的利率和费用取决于学生和寄售人的信用,利率可以是可变的也可以是固定的.
  • 学生可以借的最高金额是出勤费和总助学金之间的差额.
  • 申请是学生的责任. 请记住,申请应及时处理,以便资金可以在付款到期日之前记入学生的账户. Due to lender disclosure regulations, allow for a three week minimum turn around time.


为了帮助家庭选择最好的私人贷款方案,W&J提供了ELM Select,一个私人贷款比较工具. ELM Select为学生和家长提供比较和选择最适合他们需求的贷款产品的能力. det365app鼓励家庭完成ELM Select上的财务基础咨询工具, 协助他们选择最佳的贷款方案. Please note: W&J不认可ELM Select中列出的任何贷款人. Students and parents have the right to choose any lender for their private loan needs.

If a private loan application is credit approved and a promissory note is completed, the lender will contact W&J for certification. 这需要确认贷款金额和支付日期. 修订后的经济援助奖励函将在完成后邮寄给学生,表明贷款的认证.

所有学校都必须提供 Self-Certification Form to an enrolled or admitted student upon request of the applicant for a private education loan. This form will need to be completed and returned to the lender along with the loan application. 表格也可以从贷款人处获得. If information is needed from the Office of Financial Aid to complete this form, please contact us.